One of the rituals performed by Devraha Baba*, an Indian saint of Siddha Yoga. A hermit, he was considered a “spiritual guide for everyone, from the poorest to the most powerful.” Villagers and important personalities would wait for hours to see him. Politicians visited him during general elections, including Indian politician and the only female Prime Minister of India, Indira Gandhi, and Indian Home Minister Buta Singh. An English prince was his disciple in the 19th century, and a portrait of Shri Devraha is in the royal palace in the UK.
The thatched hut where Devraha Baba lived was placed on a mancha, a special platform raised above the ground on poles. Devraha Baba did not allow people to touch him, as it was believed that his energy was so strong that it could kill. Sometimes the elder would lower his foot from the platform and place it on the head of a visitor, thus blessing him.
Devhara Baba was taught many rituals by his mother, who had learned many spiritual practices and predicted a great future for her son at the age of six.
The text of this ritual was passed down orally through several generations of Devhara Baba's family and was kept as a personal heirloom.
The ritual is based on an appeal for help from the spirit of the Indian god of fire, Agni. Agni, being the main god of the earth, protected people from demons, poverty and hunger.
*Baba ("father, grandfather, wise old man, sir") is a Persian honorific used in several West Asian, South Asian and African cultures. It is used as a sign of respect to refer to Hindu ascetics and Sikh gurus, as a suffix or prefix to their names. Baba is also a title given to clerics of Shia Islam, as well as among Sunni leaders and heads of some Sufi orders.
A blank sheet of A4 paper
Pen (ballpoint, gel, ink) with black ink or black marker
Black candle
White candle
Matches or a lighter to light the candle
To reduce the influence of “bad” fate, that is, so that situations predetermined by fate pass more smoothly and with fewer losses
To bring back prosperity into life if it is lost due to unreasonable actions or due to the bad wishes of other people
To “lure” luck out of fate and bring prosperity and success into your life
To find a way out of a difficult life situation associated with hunger and pestilence
In the morning
During the daytime
In the evening
At night
Not recommended:
There are no contraindications
For use by persons aged 18 years and over
As needed
Depends on the time of reading and the beliefs of the performer
Beginning of action
From 2 days
Maximum effect
From 4 weeks
Decreased action
From 2 months